Business Golf, Simplified

3 ways to grow your business on PrimeTimes.Golf:

Play with ideal prospects we invite for you

Play with your team, clients, & partners

Join golf networking groups

Golf Networking Groups

Want to golf with peers with similar roles or interests? Join one of our many Affinity Groups to start networking.

Business Golf

Prospect Connection Rounds

Would you rather begin a relationship with a new client on a Zoom call or over a round of golf? If you prefer golf to Zoom, the Prospect Golf service is for you. We combine lead generation and golf bookings to enable you to simply tell us your Ideal Client Profile (ICP) and walk onto a golf course to begin your next client relationship with prospects who meet your ICP and have accepted your invitation. 

Client/Team Rounds

PrimeTimes.Golf simplifies business golf by enabling reservations of 2-16 players at prime times on premiere courses 1-60 days in advance. Whether you are planning a team-building event or spur of the moment client golf, PrimeTimes.Golf takes the hassle and uncertainty out of securing the convenient times and high quality venues business golfers need.

We also understand that there are different payment scenarios in business golf. In some cases, it is absolutely appropriate for a host to pay for their client’s green fees. In other cases, it is inappropriate to offer gifts like golf rounds. So, we enable you to specify whether the host or the guest pays for the guest greens fees for each round.

Social Golf

Affinity Groups

Be it profession, industry, or community, regularly scheduled golf outings with friends and colleagues are a fun way to expand your network and stay connected with people who can become lifelong friends. Receive text and email notifications when new events are booked for the groups you join.

You can join as many groups as you like free of charge, but we do vet each request to ensure alignment.

We can also enable you to manage your own public or private groups.

Private Clubs

Exclusive Private Club

We provide members the opportunities to experience the courses and facilities at exclusive private clubs. 

We cannot publicly display these events, so we email exclusive invitations to the members of our Private Clubs affinity group. 


Travel Golf


Our members can join events nationwide. This is especially helpful for business travel and for our Northern state members who want to enjoy either business or social golf during Winter months


We inform members of international golf travel opportunities. Trips currently being planned include these destinations: Mexico, St. Croix, SE Asia, Australia, Japan, Ireland, Italy, and Norway and Iceland.


Membership Fees
We are in launch phase now so membership is free until June 1. People who join before then will be grandfathered in for a period of free membership. From June 1, standard memberships will cost $20 per month and cancelable at any time. 

Membership benefits include the ability to

  • Purchase 1 to 16 slots in pre-booked published events at premiere public courses
  • Request new bookings of 2-16 players at premiere public courses 1 to 8 weeks in advance
  • Receive invitations to play at exclusive private courses. These events are not published and invitation only
  • Join networking groups. Requests are vetted to ensure alignment with the group profile (ex. Only women in the women's group)
  • Invite ideal prospects to hosted rounds of golf through our automated prospect reach out system
  • Receive invitations to hosted rounds of golf with relevant vendors, prospective partners, and potential employers
  • Receive information about upcoming golf travel packages
  • purchase unsold tee times up to 72 hours in advance of tee time for just $50 each.


Platform Fees
We add $20 per player to the greens fees charged by the course. Event fees include dual use cart and range balls. Members are responsible for their own F&B and pro shop purchases.

Each player receives digital goodie bags with exclusive offers, promotions and discounts for both golf and non-golf related offerings designed to far exceed the cost of the platform fees and, ideally, the cost of the greens fees.
Greens Fees
We pass through the greens fees and other venue charges charged by the providers of our golf, travel and social events. Our plan is to provide lower prices through the volume purchasing power we will be able to achieve as we grow.

Unsold Tee Time Liquidation

PrimeTimes.Golf makes large group commitments to course to secure prime tee times for our events, but not every event sells out. These clubs enable subscribers to get those unsold slots for just $20 each.

Value Golf Club

For $50 per month, get access to unsold tee times 3 days in advance. Max of 3 rounds per month for $20 each.

Dan's Elite Bottom Feeder Club

For $60 a year, get access to unsold tee times 24 hours in advance. Max of 1 round per month for $20 each.


Ask Us Anything

To contact us, please create an account and reply to the welcome email. Or, sign into your account and complete the contact form. Thanks!

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