About Us

Prime Times.Golf is business golf networking platform that enables people to grow their business, team, and career by playing golf with intentional groups and pairings.


A global golf networking platform that enables members to leverage the relationship accelerating power of golf both locally and when they travel by playing with strategically curated groups and pairings of people.

We will achieve this through golf events combining networking groups, individual prospecting services, machine learning driven Dream 16 invitations, and golf trips combining golf with investment opportunities and business topic presentations and other bonding experiences.

We will simplify business golf in these ways:

Event Types

Networking Golf

16-32 player events. Some are for members of a single Affinity Group. Others mix multiple groups. The groups categorize members by industry, role, golf skill level, and community or affinity. Members may join as many Affinity Groups as they wish. The invited groups and profile of confirmed players are visible on the event detail screen.

The event begins with an introductions circle immediately before the first group tees off. We mix up the foursomes on either the 7th and 13th tee or just the 10th tee to maximize connections. After golf, the conversation continues over snacks and drinks at an open-seating table at the club house. If we have a beginners group lesson that day, those participants may join the players at the clubhouse. Each participant receives an email with a digital goodie bag and the contact information of all consenting players. Each player pays their own fees

Prospecting Golf

Complete your ideal client profile form, and we’ll connect you with ideal prospects for a round of golf. You pick the who, where, and when. In this event type, the host pays the fees for both the host and guest.

Hosted Event Golf

These events bring multiple hosts together with a targeted group of prospective clients. For example, home owners can play with security, solar, contractor and or real estate agents. Marketers can play with MarTech, media and agency professionals. In these events, 8 non-competitive vendors host 8 prospects forming a group of 16.

Dream Team 16

A machine learning algorithm takes factors such as age, gender, location, industry, role, preferred courses and recency of play into account to create ideal groups of 16 players. Each player receives an invitation showing the other 15 players invited. The algorithm suggests alternates until 16 players are confirmed. 

Lunch, Learn & Golf

These events include a lunch and sponsor presentation on a topic relevant to your industry or role followed by golf. In this format, the sponsor pays 75% of the event cost and invitees pay just 25%.

Range Events

These are after-work gatherings where we reserve bays, a pro, and a drink cart for our members to meet, get some pro tips, engage in some friendly competition, or just practice and enjoy each other’s company.

Travel Golf

We organize both domestic and international trips which mix golf, networking, local real estate or other business or investment opportunities, and group dinners with educational presentations relevant to the business of each participant

Off-Course Mixers

We organize monthly networking events that may be mixers with other networking groups, informal gatherings for a meal or drinks, or sponsored events with some educational or promotional content

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see our FAQs for answers to other frequently asked questions.


Each month, we interview a different PrimeTimes.Golf member about how they have used golf as a business development tool throughout their career and some tips about the do’s and dont’s for effective relationship development on the golf course. These podcasts will be transcribed and the content used in the production of the golf networking handbook called Fairways to Success. Every month, a new episode will be published on our podcast section and popular podcast platfroms.

Referral Partners

PrimeTimes.Golf partners with non-profits to giving people a way to both support a cause and grow their business, team or career by playing more golf.

We provide non-profits with a referral link and then donate 50% of the revenue generated by the people who joined using that link to that non-profit.

Our revenue sources are monthly membership fees ($20) and platform fees for each booking ($20). So, if a non-profit refers 100 people who play on average one time per month, we will donate $2,000 each month.

Non-profits often produce large annual golf tournaments as fund raisers. These takes months of planning, are a huge distraction to the over-worked staff, limit engagement opportunities to once per year, and, due to the format of play, and loud raffle and auction noise, don’t offer much opportunity for real conversations. Our approach is an augmentation or perhaps a replacement to the large annual tournament that requires absolutely no effort from the staff, enables frequent gatherings, and generates donation funding every time the referee plays in a PrimeTimes.Golf event. <br><br>Some of our referral partners permit public announcements of the alliance and, when appropriate, we will list them here.


Greg Lipper, Chief Tee Officer, PrimeTimes.Golf

Through selling software, technology enabled services and software development services globally while living overseas for 32 years, I came to realize that I have three passions: connecting people, starting and growing businesses, and golf and that the creation of a global business golf networking platform enables me to combine those passions in one project that leverages the strange combination of skills, knowledge and relationships developed through my previous life chapters. My goal is to build a golf business that benefits society, creates business and personal value for each member, and enables me to play golf every day. I dream to break 100 on my 100th birthday. A lot of good things have to be true for that to be a possibility. This is my way to go for it.

Edit profile

Company or Organization *
LinkedIn Profile Page *
Mobile number (For SMS Messaging) *
Function *
Seniority *
City *
State *
What I can offer
What I seek
Golf availability *
Please enter the name of the person who referred you or any referral code you may have received
Consent to receive invitations to free rounds of golf from vendors of relevant products or services.
Preferred Transport *
Golf Skill Level *
Dietary restrictions *
The invitation may include a meal with pre-ordered menu or snacks in cart
Do you own your home? *
Do you intend to buy a home in the next 3-6 months? *
Are you thinking of selling your home in the next year or two? *
Would you accept an invitation to golf with a real estate agent? *
Which of the following services interest you?
what other service interests you?
I consent to receiving email, text and telephone messages from PrimeTimes.Golf

Opt-in for alerts regarding new courses and new events available for booking on PrimeTimes.Golf

First Name
Last Name